Tuesday, September 3, 2024

USAF:Air Force to Upgrade F-22 Raptor with a view to containing China

According to the U.S. Air Force,the Lockheed Martin/Boeing F22 Raptor fifth generation fighter is to be upgraded even as the Air Force's Next Generation Air Dominence (NGAD) fighter programme is being paused.The Air Force has awarded Raytheon Technologies Corporation a contract worth potentially over a billion dollars to carry out sensor and other upgrades to keep the Raptor relevant in a quickly evolving battlespace.This was announced on 29 AUG 2024.The older 32 Block F-22s will be retired.The upgrades will take place at McKinney.Texas and are expected to be completed by 8 MAY 2029,per a DoD contracts announcement.*The programme involves upgrading the remaining 154 F-22s with new cryptography;an expanded open archtecture;new weapons;an infrared search and track sensor;and a Project Keystone effort to install an advanced threat warning receiver.The total cost will be more than 4.3 billion dollars between fiscal 2023 and 2029.*According to USAF BGEN Jason Vorheis,the programme executive officer for fighters and adavnced aircraft:The F-22 Raptor team is working really hard on executing a modernisation roadmap to field advanced sensors;connectivity;weapons;and other capabilities that are relevant to the INDOPACOM theatre.The Raptor team recently conducted six flight test efforts to demo and assess advanced sensors on the F-22 required to complete an ongoing rapid prototyping for the programme.*The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a twin engine,all weather,supersonic stealth fighter.It is a product of the U.S. Air Force's Advanced Tactical Fighter programme (ATF).It was designed as an air superiority fighter,but also incorporates ground attack,electronic warfare and signals intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities.The prime contractor,Lockheed Martin,built most of the F-22 airframe and weapons;while partner Boeing provided the wings;aft fuselage;avionics integration;and training systems.The F-22 has provided close air support and electronic surveillance in combat against Islamic State and Assad-aligned forces in Syria,and also to deter Russian fighter aircraft there.It has three internal weapons bays,but hardpoints for underwing mounting of weapons as well.To protect its sensitive technology,the F-22 Raptor is banned for export by the U.S. Congress.*Lockheed Martin (LMT),Boeing (BA),Raytheon Technologies Corp (RTX)

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