Sunday, September 8, 2024

NATO Land Forces:Exercise Avenger Triad 24 Begins in Europe

Per U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEURAF),the command post exercise Avenger Triad 24 begins with forces from the U.S. Army and 10 participating NATO Allies:Estonia,France,Germany,Great Britain,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Netherlands,Poland and Spain.It runs from 9-10 SEPT 2024 in multiple locations across Europe.The drills will incorporate lessons learned by implementing new operational concepts.doctrines and procedures learned from previous exercises to increase readiness;enahnce interoperability between the U.S. Army and Allies;and inform regional planning.Said COL Michael A. Wasserman,USAEURAF spokesperson:Avenger Triad capitalises on lessons learned during STEADFAST DEFENDER 24,the largest NATO Exercise in Europe in decades,and DEFENDER 24,the largest U.S. Army exercise in decades,to strengthen interoperability and build confidence.*As part of the exercise,USAEURAF will command U.S. and multinational forces,including one U.S. (V Corps) and five NATO Corps headquarters,in a constructed,computer-controlled environment.Major participants include:USAEURAF;U.S. Army 21st Theater Sustainment Command;U.S. Army V Corps;U.S. Army 56th Artillery Command;U.S. Army 2nd Multi-Domain Task Force;U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division;NATO Allied Joint Forces Command Brunssum;NATO Multi-National Corps North-East;NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps;1st German-Netherlands Corps;and 2nd Polish Army Corps.The drills aim to experimant and assess Army's continuous transformation,including the theatre strike effects group;theatre information advantage element;long-range fires battalion and armoured division.As threats evolve world-wide,so must the tactics and standards of our forces.Computer-assisted exercises like Avenger Triad are a perfect venue for testing new cutting-edge technology,concepts and formations in a simulated environment.*The role of U.S. Army V Corps,based at Fort Knox,Kentucky and forward-deployed to Camp Kosciusko,Poland,is to provide training;increase readiness;and retain operational control of assigned and allocated units in Europe.V Corps works with Allies and Partners to enhance collective readiness and deter potential adversaries,the Corps said.*The primary mission of the new forward-deployed headquarters in Poland will be to conduct operational planning,mission command and oversight of the rotational forces in Europe.It will also provide additional support to Allies and Partners in the region and help improve interoperability.The motto of V Corps is "It will be done."*As the senior tactical headquarters in the contact layer,i.e.,the Eastern Flank,the role of V Corps is to deter adversaries in a crisis,and,should conflict occur,fight and win multi-domain and large scale combat operations.*Victory Soldiers will maintain a high state of physical,mental,spiritual,personal and professional readiness.Through our humility,respect,teamwork and strong leadership,we will build long lasting relationships critical to the success of our mission,V Corps said.

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