Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bulletin:Ukraine's 'spectacular' drone strike seen from SPACE as huge Russian depot blasts spark earthquake - YouTube - The Sun - 18 SEPT 2024

with Jerome Starkey,The Sun Defence Editor and Dr.Stephen Hall,Ukraine-Russia expert at the University of Bath*The strike took place in the village of Toropets,Tver Oblast and was a humiliating blow to President Vladimir Putin and a brilliant success for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

First Commander of NATO Ukraine Command Centre Germany Appointed

According to the NATO 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington DC Communique (July 2024),NATO decided to establish the NATO Security and Assistance Training for Ukraine (NSATU) to coordinate its provision of military equipment and training for Ukraine by Allies and Partners.Its aim is to place security assistance to Ukraine on an enduring footing,ensuring enhanced,predictable and enduring support.NSATU,which will operate in Allied states,will support Ukraine's self-defence in line with the UN Charter (international law).NSATU will not,under international law,make NATO a party to the conflict.It will support the transformation of Ukraine's defence and security forces,enabling its further integration into NATO.*The NATO Ukraine Command Centre Germany in Wiesbaden is located within the headquarters of U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEURAF) and reports directly to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR),currently GEN Christopher Cavoli,U.S. Army.*The new NATO Ukraine Command Centre Germany's first commander is LTGEN Curtis Buzzard,U.S. Army.The Centre is devoted to providing Ukraine the military equipment and training for the Ukrainian Armed Forces it needs to prevail against Russian aggression.Having recieved U.S. Senate approval,LTGEN Buzzard leads about 700 personnel at the Centre.According to NATO:By using military structures,our support will be on firmer footing;will provide more predictability for Kyiv;and will address both immediate and longer-term needs.*LTGEN Buzzard,a man with a broad smile,is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy (West Point,New York).He most recently served as commander,Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Moore,Georgia,from July 2022-July 2024.Prior to that,he served as Deputy Chief Of Staff for Operations,Plans and Training of the United States Army Forces Command from January to June 2022,and as the 78th Commandant of Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy (West Point,New York) from June 2019 to May 2021.Buzzard received a B.S. in Economics from West Point.He later received a Master of Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Master of Military Science from the Marine Corps University.He then served as the U.S. Army Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington,DC.LTGEN Buzzard served as the 82d Airborne Division G3 and commanded its 3rd Brigade Combat Team.LTGEN Buzzard also served as the Army military aide to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.LTGEN Buzzard served tours in both the Iraq and Afghan Wars.In March 2021,LTGEN Buzzard became Deputy Chief of Operations in NATO's Operation Resolute Support,which trained and assisted Afghan Security Forces;Deputy Commanding General for Operations for U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A);and Commander U.S. National Support Element Command for Operation Freedom's Sentinel.LTGEN Buzzard is married and the father of three daughters.*LTGEN Buzzard's Awards and Decorations include Defense Superior Service Medal;Legion of Merit (3);Bronze Star Medal (3);Meritorious Service Medal (6);Army Commendation Medal (3);Air Assualt Badge;Army Staff Badge;Combat Infantryman's Badge;Expert Infantryman's Badge;Master Parachutist's Badge;Presidential Service Badge;Ranger Tab;and numerous foreign jump wings.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

NATO Secretary General address to the International Crimea Platform, 11 SEPT 2024

At the Washington Summit,NATO approved a new NATO Command to lead the provision of security assistance and training.Allies also plan to provide 40 billion euros within the next year and pledge to ensure sustainable funding for the long-term.Crimea is Ukraine,and Ukraine is on an irreversible course to NATO mambership.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Pacific Perspective:US Air Force. B-2 Spirit bombers. Joint military exercises in Australia.

The drills are takking place at RAAF Amberley near Ipswich,Queensland.The RAAF operates the Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet primarily out of RAAF Amberley.Bomber Task Force missions such as this one are not announced in advance to give potential adversaries pause.Deployed by Air Force Global Strike Command,they emphasise the U.S. Air Force's ability to deter aggression,and,if necessary,defend our Allies and Partners,anytime and anywhere across the globe.The Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit strategic bombers are a frequent participant in Bomber Task Force missions in both the European and Pacific theatres.*Boeing (BA),Northrop Grumman (NOC)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

NATO Land Forces:Exercise Avenger Triad 24 Begins in Europe

Per U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEURAF),the command post exercise Avenger Triad 24 begins with forces from the U.S. Army and 10 participating NATO Allies:Estonia,France,Germany,Great Britain,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Netherlands,Poland and Spain.It runs from 9-10 SEPT 2024 in multiple locations across Europe.The drills will incorporate lessons learned by implementing new operational concepts.doctrines and procedures learned from previous exercises to increase readiness;enahnce interoperability between the U.S. Army and Allies;and inform regional planning.Said COL Michael A. Wasserman,USAEURAF spokesperson:Avenger Triad capitalises on lessons learned during STEADFAST DEFENDER 24,the largest NATO Exercise in Europe in decades,and DEFENDER 24,the largest U.S. Army exercise in decades,to strengthen interoperability and build confidence.*As part of the exercise,USAEURAF will command U.S. and multinational forces,including one U.S. (V Corps) and five NATO Corps headquarters,in a constructed,computer-controlled environment.Major participants include:USAEURAF;U.S. Army 21st Theater Sustainment Command;U.S. Army V Corps;U.S. Army 56th Artillery Command;U.S. Army 2nd Multi-Domain Task Force;U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division;NATO Allied Joint Forces Command Brunssum;NATO Multi-National Corps North-East;NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps;1st German-Netherlands Corps;and 2nd Polish Army Corps.The drills aim to experimant and assess Army's continuous transformation,including the theatre strike effects group;theatre information advantage element;long-range fires battalion and armoured division.As threats evolve world-wide,so must the tactics and standards of our forces.Computer-assisted exercises like Avenger Triad are a perfect venue for testing new cutting-edge technology,concepts and formations in a simulated environment.*The role of U.S. Army V Corps,based at Fort Knox,Kentucky and forward-deployed to Camp Kosciusko,Poland,is to provide training;increase readiness;and retain operational control of assigned and allocated units in Europe.V Corps works with Allies and Partners to enhance collective readiness and deter potential adversaries,the Corps said.*The primary mission of the new forward-deployed headquarters in Poland will be to conduct operational planning,mission command and oversight of the rotational forces in Europe.It will also provide additional support to Allies and Partners in the region and help improve interoperability.The motto of V Corps is "It will be done."*As the senior tactical headquarters in the contact layer,i.e.,the Eastern Flank,the role of V Corps is to deter adversaries in a crisis,and,should conflict occur,fight and win multi-domain and large scale combat operations.*Victory Soldiers will maintain a high state of physical,mental,spiritual,personal and professional readiness.Through our humility,respect,teamwork and strong leadership,we will build long lasting relationships critical to the success of our mission,V Corps said.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Military honours for Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov - YouTube - BTB-concept - 6 SEPT 2024 - Bendlerblock (Ministry of Defence),Berlin

Military honours were rendered for the inaugural visit of Ukrainian Defence Minister Rustem Umerov,a key Ally,to his German counterpart Boris Pistorius.The Bundeswehr Music Corps played under the direction of LTCOL Kiauka.The honour guard is comprised of German Army Soldiers.The national anthems were played and a review of the troops was held.A wreath was laid at the Bundeswehr memorial.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Princess Leonor’s baptism of the sea, wins medal on her first Day at Navy School - YouTube - Newzee

HRH Leonor Princesa de Asturias,heir to the Spanish throne,reported to basic training at the Naval School Marin in Pontevedra,Spain.She won an award for her accomplishments at the Academia General Militar de Zaragoza (Spanish Army) the previous year.Next year she will finish her military service with a year at the Spanish Air and Space Force School.Her training is aimed at preparing her for her future role as sovereign,the head of the Spanish Armed Forces.She will be only the second regnant queen in Spanish history,the first being Queen Isabella II in the nineteenth century.Her surname is de Borbon y Ortiz.She has a coat of arms and a beautiful blue flag.In her regnancy and military service,she resembles the late Queen Elizabeth II.On the first day of naval basic training,her brigade won the athletic competition.Later she will prepare for life at sea aboard the antique naval vessel Juan Sebastian de Alcano.

Lockheed Martin Awarded $5.1 Billion in F-35 Contracts - Avionics International

Lockheed Martin Awarded $5.1 Billion in F-35 Contracts - Avionics International: Lockheed Martin is receiving $5.1 billion in three contracts for the F-35 Lightning II fighter, including Block 4 related upgrades, DoD said on Aug. 28. The largest contract–$3.9 billion through […] Lockheed Martin (LMT)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

USAF:Air Force to Upgrade F-22 Raptor with a view to containing China

According to the U.S. Air Force,the Lockheed Martin/Boeing F22 Raptor fifth generation fighter is to be upgraded even as the Air Force's Next Generation Air Dominence (NGAD) fighter programme is being paused.The Air Force has awarded Raytheon Technologies Corporation a contract worth potentially over a billion dollars to carry out sensor and other upgrades to keep the Raptor relevant in a quickly evolving battlespace.This was announced on 29 AUG 2024.The older 32 Block F-22s will be retired.The upgrades will take place at McKinney.Texas and are expected to be completed by 8 MAY 2029,per a DoD contracts announcement.*The programme involves upgrading the remaining 154 F-22s with new cryptography;an expanded open archtecture;new weapons;an infrared search and track sensor;and a Project Keystone effort to install an advanced threat warning receiver.The total cost will be more than 4.3 billion dollars between fiscal 2023 and 2029.*According to USAF BGEN Jason Vorheis,the programme executive officer for fighters and adavnced aircraft:The F-22 Raptor team is working really hard on executing a modernisation roadmap to field advanced sensors;connectivity;weapons;and other capabilities that are relevant to the INDOPACOM theatre.The Raptor team recently conducted six flight test efforts to demo and assess advanced sensors on the F-22 required to complete an ongoing rapid prototyping for the programme.*The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a twin engine,all weather,supersonic stealth fighter.It is a product of the U.S. Air Force's Advanced Tactical Fighter programme (ATF).It was designed as an air superiority fighter,but also incorporates ground attack,electronic warfare and signals intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities.The prime contractor,Lockheed Martin,built most of the F-22 airframe and weapons;while partner Boeing provided the wings;aft fuselage;avionics integration;and training systems.The F-22 has provided close air support and electronic surveillance in combat against Islamic State and Assad-aligned forces in Syria,and also to deter Russian fighter aircraft there.It has three internal weapons bays,but hardpoints for underwing mounting of weapons as well.To protect its sensitive technology,the F-22 Raptor is banned for export by the U.S. Congress.*Lockheed Martin (LMT),Boeing (BA),Raytheon Technologies Corp (RTX)

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Ukraine to target Belgorod next after tanks were spotted in region | Operator Starsky - YouTube - Times Radio

with James and Operator Starsky,Ukrainian veteran*According to Operator Starsky,Ukrainian forces with tanks and heavy armoured vehicles have been sighted in both Belgorod and Bryansk Oblasts.We know that Belgorad Oblast has declared a state of emergency.This is in addition to the invasion of Kursk Oblast.