Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Pacific Perspective:Exercise Pitch Black 24 | Hot Shots Week Three 🔥🎥 - YouTube

Exercise Pitch Black 24,led by the Royal Australian Air Force,runs from 12 July-2 August 2024.It features the Eurofighter Typhoon;Italian Air Force Sukhoi-30 MKI Flanker fighter;Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle;Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter;Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor;and the Dassault Aviation French Mirage fighter.*Boeing (BA),Lockheed Martin (LMT),Dassault Aviation SA (OTCM:DUAVF)

Monday, July 29, 2024

NATO's High North:U.S. Arctic Strategy 2024,Part 2

The Arctic Strategy makes chilling reading:Strategic Environment - 1.The PRC includes the Arctic in its long-term planning and seeks to increase its influence and activities in the region.Though not an Arctic nation,the PRC is attempting to leverage changing dynamics in the Arctic to persue greater influence and access,take advantage of Arctic resources,and play a larger role in regional governance.The PRC seeks to bolster its operational expertise in the Arctic,where its presence,while limited,is increasing.The PRC operates three icebreakers:the Xue Long;Xue Long 2;and Zhong Shan Da Xue Ji Di-which enable the PRC's dual civilian/military research efforts in the Arctic.Over the course of the PRC's 13 Arctic research expeditions to date,the vessels have tested unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) and polar-capable fixed-wing aircraft,among other activities.People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels have also demonstrated the capability and intent to operate in and around the Arctic through exercises with the Russian Navy over the past several years.*Although the vast majority of the Arctic is under the jurisdiction of sovereign states,the PRC seeks to promote the Arctic Region as a "global commons" in order to shift Arctic governance in its favour.The PRC's 2018 Arctic Policy claims non-Arctic states should contribute to the region's "shared future for mankind" due to the Arctic's global significance.Its "Polar Silk Road" has been used to gain a footing in the Arctic,pursuing investments in infrastructure and natural resources,including in the territory of NATO Allies.2.Russian activities in the Arctic:The Arctic plays a significant role in Russia's security and economic calculations.The importance is revealed in Russian strategic documents,including Russia's 2023 Foreign Policy Concept,which raises the Arctic to Russia's second priority region after Russia's "near abroad."Russia boasts the largest Arctic territory and the most developed military presence of all the Arctic nations.Of concern,Russia's Arctic capabilities have the potential to hold the U.S. homeland,as well as Allied Partner territory,at risk.*The Kola Peninsula is home to Russia's Northern Fleet and important strategic nuclear forces,specifically its submarine-launched ballistic missile forces.Russia continues to invest heavily in new military infrastructure and refurbishing Soviet-era installations in the Arctic.Despite some attrition of Russia's conventional land forces due to losses in Ukraine,its strategic,air and maritime forces remain intact.Further,Russia has demonstrated the ability to reconstitute and reorganise its conventional ground forces,which illuminates the potential for future improved readiness and combat expertise in the Arctic.*In addition to nuclear,conventional and special operations threats,Russia seeks to carry out lower-level destabilisation activities against the United States and our Allies,including through Global Positioning System jamming and military flights that are conducted in an unprofessional manner inconsistent with international law and custom.Russia also has a clear avenue of approach to the U.S. homeland through the Arctic,and could use its Arctic-based capabilities to threaten the ability of the United States to project power both to Europe and the Indo-Pacific Region,constraining our ability to respond to crises.Furthermore,Russia's maritime infrastructure could allow it to enforce illegal and excessive claims along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) between the Bering Strait and the Kara Strait.Russia claims the right to regulate Arctic waters along the NSR in excess of the authority permitted under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),placing excessive requirements on foreign vessels out of compliance with Russian regulations.3.PRC-Russian Collaboration:Increasingly,the PRC and Russia are collaborating in the Arctic across multiple instruments of national power.While significant areas of disagreement between the PRC and Russia remain,their growing alignment in the region is of concern,and the DOD coninues to monitor this cooperation...PRC-Russia military cooperation,including joint military exercises in the Arctic,continues to increase.In 2022 and 2023,PLAN and Russian Navy ships operated together in international waters off the coast of Alaska;and the Chinese Coast Guard and Russian Federal Security Service signed a memorandum of understanding on maritime law enforcement.These activities could open the door to future PRC presence in the Arctic and the NSR.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bulletin:Chinese-Russian Bombers Patrolling off US Coast |Growing Military Alliance Raises Concerns for West - YouTube - Oneindia News - 24 JUL 2024

On 24 JUL 2024,NORAD fighters,including U.S. Air Force F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters and Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornets intercepted two Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers and two Chinese Xian H-6 bombers escorted by Russian fighters.The aircraft were in international airspace and respected all norms.However,U.S. Defense Secretary GEN Lloyd J. Austin III,U.S. Army ret.,expressed concern at the deepening military ties between the two authoritarian powers.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Military Honours - British Minister of Defence - Company of Honour - YouTube - Berlin,Germany - BTB-concept - 24 JUL 2024

Military honours were rendered for the inaugural visit of British Defence Minister John Healey to German Defence Minister Oscar Pistorius in the Bendlerblock (BMVg,Ministry of Defence) in Berlin,Germany.The Guard Battalion's Honour Company is dressed in Luftwaffe uniforms because Great Britain took part in a significant air battle in World War II.The Erfurt Luftwaffe Music Corps is under the direction of LTCOL Wunderle.The video shows the setting up of the guard of honour at the rear portal of the Ministry of Defence;the entry of the Honour Company;the uncasing of the Bundeswehr colours;the greeting of Defence Minister Pistorius;the arrival and greeting of the guest;the national anthems;the parade of the Honour Company;the march out of the Honour Company;the laying of the wreath at the Bundeswehr Memorial;the joint photo in front of the flags and the signing of a comprehensive declaration of intent regarding future bilateral cooperation.

Monday, July 22, 2024

NATO's High North:U.S. Arctic Strategy 2024 - Part 1

According to a prefatory Memorandum by U.S. Secretary of Defense General Lloyd F. Austin III,U.S. Army ret.:The United States is an Arctic nation,and the region is critical to the defense of our Homeland,the protection of U.S. national sovereignty,and our defense treaty commitments...Major geopolitical changes are driving the need for this new strategic approach to the Arctic,including Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine,the accession of Finland and Sweden into the NATO Alliance,increasing collaboration between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Russia,and the accelerating impact of climate change.This increasingly accessible region is becoming a venue for strategic competition,and the United States must stand ready to meet the challenge alongside Allies and Partners.This new DOD strategy directs the Department to enhance its Arctic capabilities,deepen engagement with Allies and Partners,and exercise our forces to build readiness for operations at high latititudes...This strategy represents prudent and measured efforts to protetct U.S. interests in the face of new challenges and an evolving security environment.*In the body of U.S. Arctic Strategy 2024,it notes:The National Defense Strategy (2022) directs that activities in the Arctic will be calibrated to reflect a "monitor-and-respond" approach that is underpinned by robust intelligence collection capabilities,security cooperation with our regional Allies and Partners,and the deterrent value of the DOD'S ability to deploy the Joint Force at the time and place of our choosing...This strategy will strengthen the ability of the United States to build integrated deterrence and effectively manage risk to U.S. interests in the Arctic Region by enhancing our domain awareness and Arctic capabilities;engaging with Allies,Partners and key stakeholders;and exercising tailored presence...The North American Arctic Region comprises the northern approaches to the homeland and includes sovereign U.S. territiory in Alaska-home to significant U.S. defense infrastructure (Eielson Air Force Base;Fort Greely;Fort Wainwright;Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson;Clear Space Force Station),and the sovereign territory of NATO Allies including Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark's autonomous territory of Greenland.Vital for homeland defense,the North American Arctic Region hosts aerospace warning,aerospace control and maritime warning capabilities for the binational U.S.-Canada North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).The North American Arctic Region is also integrated to the execution of Indo-Pacific operations,as the Northern Flank for projecting force from the U.S. homeland to that region.*Geographically,the European Arctic Region comprises the Arctic territory of NATO Allies Finland,Iceland,Norway and Sweden,as well as Russia's Kola Penninsula.Collaboration in this region between Unified Combatant Commands (CCMDs-U.S. European Command,U.S. Northern Command and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command) and Arctic Allies is critical to the collective defense of NATO Allies and to U.S. homeland defense.The accession of new NATO Allies and the strengthening of the NATO Alliance opens strategic opportunities and supports critical objectives in the National Strategy for the Arctic Region (NSAR 2022).The Arctic serves as an avenue for power projection between North America and Europe.The Arctic includes multiple strategically significant maritime chokepoints.Reduction in sea ice due to climate change means chokepoints such as the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia (you can see Russia from Alaska) and Russia and the Barents Sea north of Norway,are becoming more navigable and more economically and miltarily significant.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Pacific Perspective:U.S. Army, Arctic Angels. Military exercises Red Flag in Alaska. - YouTube

U.S. Army Soliers from the 11th Airborne Division (Arctic Angels) during Exercise Red Flag Alaska 2024.Red Flag is an annual U.S. Air Force exercise that allows it to work with Allies and Partners,including interservice partners.The drills demonstrate the Division's ability to move forces anywhere in the Indo-Pacific Region and around the world.The Division is capable of waging the full spectrum of conflict in the most austere environments.*Boeing (BA),Lockheed Martin (LMT)*Text by MIL 3010 and edited by Andrew Taylor

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


The U-2S pilot must wear a pressure suit to withstand the high altitudes in excess of 70,000 ft.,where he can plainly see the curvature of Earth.Although the U-2 can avoid many air defence systems at high altitude,it is not completely invulnerable to all of them.Both launch and landing require chaser vehicles.Technology refreshes have kept the U-2 relevant.First introduced in 1956,it is an unparalleled Intelligence,Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) asset to this day.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Pacific Perspective:Chinese Military Operations from Belarus to the Bering Sea

According to Staright Arrow News,China and Belarus launched military drills along the Polish and Ukraine borders.This is raising concern across Europe.It just points up that China sees itself as a global power.Exercise Eagle Assault was held near Brest,Belarus which is on the Polish border and 30 miles from Ukraine's northern frontier.It was the first time that Chinese troops were on Belarusian soil.The drills are dubbed anti-terrorism exercises and continued through mid-July.The drills began as NATO held the 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington,DC.*Belarus has just joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO),a body praised by China and Russia as a counterbalance to the West.As well,Belarus has provided logistical support to Russia and recently began hosting Russian nuclear weapons,which troubles NATO and the EU.The drills held near Poland are seen as a provocation and power projection.*For its part,Belarus is accused of waging hybrid warfare against Poland by sending hundreds of migrants a day across the Polish border.The migrants,mostly from the Middle East,Asia and Africa,caused the death of a Polish Soldier recently when a migrant stabbed him.Poland is sending 17,000 troops to protect its border,and is on course to create the largest land army in Europe.*Meanwhile,the U.S. Coast Guard issued a press release on 10 June 2024 about encountering four People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warships in the Bering Sea.U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Kimball (WMSL 756),a Legend-class National Security Cutter,detected three PLAN warships about 124 miles north of Amchitka Pass in the Aleutian Islands.An HC-130J Hercules from U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak detected a fourth warship about 84 miles north of the Amrika Pass in the Aleutians.All the PLAN warships were in international waters,but inside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone,which extends out 200 nautical miles from the shorline.The PLAN followed international rules and norms,according to RDL Megan Dean,Seventeenth Coast Guard District commander:We must preserve with presence to assure there were no disruptions to U.S. interests in the maritime environment around Alaska.*Responding to U.S. Coast Guard radio transmissions,the PLAN said they were exercising freedom of navigation operations.The Kimball continued to monitor the warships until they transited south of the Aleutian Islands into the North Pacific Ocean.The Coast Guard,in coordination with U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM),was fully aware of and tracked the PLAN presence.In September 2021 and 2022,Coast Guard cutters deployed to the Bering Sea also encountered Chinese surface action groups.The Kimball patrolled under Operation Frontier Sentinal,which is a Coast Guard operation designed to meet presence with presence when strategic competitors operate in and around U.S. waters.The Coast Guard's presence strengthens the international rules-based order and promotes the conduct of operations in a manner that follows international norms.*The Kimball is a 418 ft. Legend-class National Security Cutter (NSC) homeported in Honolulu,Hawaii.Such National Security Cutters are the largest active patrol class of the USCG,with the size of a frigate.Among the NSC's missions is providing ports,waterways and coastal security;countertterrorism;law enforcement;defence operations and other military operations,including assigned Naval Warfare duties within the U.S. Navy.It has several advanced sensors and processing systems,including radar tactical data links.The NSC has an NBC detection and defence system to repel chemical,biological or radiological attacks.It is armed with 1 x Mk 110 57mm gun;1 x 20mm Block 1B Baseline 2 Phalanx Close-In Weapons System;2 x crew-served M240B 7.62mm machine guns;4 x crew-served Browning M2 machine guns;and has a 50x80 ft. hangar for aircraft.The NSC is optimised for communications with NATO.It is built by Huntington Ingalls Industries.*Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc (HII)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Military honours for Japan's Prime Minister in Berlin - YouTube - BTB-concept - 12 JUL 2024

Military honours were rendered for the inaugural visit of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Federal Chancellary in Berlin.The guard of honour is provided by the 4th (Marine Infantry),5th (Luftwaffe),and 6th company (German Army) of the guard battalion.The Neubrandenburg Army Music Corps plays under the direction of LTCOL Christian Prchal.Some different marches are played.Pro-Palestine demonstrators are heard in the street.

Friday, July 12, 2024

U.S. Marines, NATO. Allied Forces Prepare for Defence in Poland. - YouTube - MIL 3010 - 2 JUL 2024

On 2 JUL 2024,U.S. Marines,along with the Spanish Army and a Spanish Navy Sailor,conduct military operations as part of NATO Exercise Baltic Operations (2024).BALTOPS 2024 is the premier naval exercise to strengthen joint response capabilities critical to preserving freedom of navigation and security in the Baltic Sea Region.Text by MIL 3010 and edited by Andrew Taylor

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NATO Land Forces:U.S. Army Europe and Africa Instills Warfighting Culture

According to its updated command video,U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEURA) provides combat-credible forces to deter,and,if necessary,defeat aggression by any potential adversary both in Europe and Africa.USAEURA sets the essential conditions necessary and is prepared to serve as a combined joint force command to fight and win across the full spectrum of military operations.As USAEURA does this and campaigns on two continents,we focus on four lines of effort:first,we set the theatre.We stand united to provide sustainment,logistics and intelligence to ensure the success of joint and combined operations around the globe.Next,we present combat-credible forces for two combatant commands (U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command).We are trained,ready to deploy and fight beside our Allies to win by decisive action against a near-peer enemy anytime,anywhere.Third,we maintain interoperability with our Allies and Partners for joint training and operations;we are ready to deter and defend amongst our Allies against all adversaries.And finally,we must modernise the force.We are getting modern technologies into the hands of our Soldiers faster than ever.These lines of effort are important because they strengthen our warfighting culture,a culture that instills in each Soldier a sense of discipline and demands adherence to standards,leading to strong,cohesive teams.This culture is what takes Soldiers from different countries and backgrounds and makes them a force,prepared and empowered as warfighters ready to face evolving and growing challenges now and in the furture:Stronger Together.*For example,U.S. Army Garrison Poland on NATO's Eastern Flank welcomed a new commander on 28 June 2024.Leadership passed for the first time in its history as COL Jesse Chace took command of the first permanent Army home in the Republic of Poland during a change of command ceremony held at Camp Kosciusko.Chace took from COL Christopher Church,who played a pivitol role in transforming the small band of Soldiers and civilians into a 100-strong team capable of delivering base support services and infrastructure to 7500 Soldiers across the U.S. Army V Corps Area of Operations.Chace assumed command of 11 installations across the three military communities of Poznan,Powidz and Swiatoszow.His leadership will also include command and control of U.S. Army Garrison Black Sea,overseeing Mihail Kogalniceanu Airbase in Romania and Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria-further aligning the Army's home along NATO's forward edge,a USAEURA article pointed out.*Also,U.S. Army BGEN James Kent signed the V Corps distinguished visitors guest book during his visit to V Corps forward headquarters,Camp Kosciuszko,Poland to learn more about how he can help with the unique challenges of the camp and NATO relationships in the operational area.V Corps is America's forward-deployed corps in Europe,defending the Eastern Flank.LTGEN Charles Constanza is commanding general of V Corps.*A U.S. Army Corps consists of 20,000-45,000 troops.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

U.S. Marines. M3E1 MAAWS multi-role grenade launcher. Training in Australia. - YouTube - MIL 3010

U.S. Marines from the 1st Marine Divison,the oldest Marine Corps Division,Marine Rotational Force-Darwin,and Australian troops practise with the M3E1 (MAAWS) Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapons System in the Northern Territory,Australia.Also there are automatic weapons practise and dismounted patrols.*Text by MIL 3010 and edited by Andrew Taylor

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

B-52J:Big Upgrade Will Keep the Buff Relevant for Decades

According to informed sources,the U.S. Air Force is embarked on a major upgrade of the Boeing B-52H Stratofortress strategic bomber,which is a key member of Air Force Global Strike Command Bomber Task Force missions both in Europe and the Indo-Pacific Region.It is so significant,the Air Force skipped the I designation.The 48.6 billion dollar upgrade,which has had its share of cost overruns and technical glitches,is to keep the B-52 relevant through the 2050s,a hundred years after the bomber's introduction in 1952.Consider the enhanced capabilities:1.The B-52J is to serve as a deployer of multiple weapon systems,including the Hypersonic Cruise Attack Missile (HCAM);drone swarms;as well as precision-guided munitions and nuclear weapons.2.The original Pratt&Whitney TF33 engines are to be replaced by new Rolls Royce F130 engines.This will increase fuel efficiency and range,while at the same time reducing maintenance costs.For stealth enhancement-a key feature of the upgrade-the engines will be quieter and produce less smoke.3.A new radar system based on the Boeing F/A-18EF Super Hornet's APG-79 AESA radar will give the B-52J longer range and better situational awareness.At the same time,the elimination of the blister housing the current AN/ASQ-151 radar will make the B-52J stealthier.4.There will be new communications and navigation systems.*All 76 B-52Hs are to be upgraded to the B-52J.The B-52J is to be ready for operations by the decade's end,with Initial Operational Capability designation slated for 2033.*Boeing (BA),Rolls Royce Holdings plc (LSE:RR)

Monday, July 1, 2024

U.S. Marines, NATO. Tanks and armoured vehicles. Military exercises in Sweden - YouTube - MIL 3010

The U.S. Marines and Royal Swedish Amphibious Corps (Marines) during Baltic Operations 24 in Sweden.BALTOPS 24 is the premier annual exercise in the Baltic Sea Region.It provides a unique opportunity to strengthen joint response capabilities critical to maintaining freedom of navigation and security in the Baltic Sea Region.*Text by MIL 3010 and edited by Andrew Taylor Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules and M142 HiMARS (LMT),General Dynamics Land Systems Abrams M1A2V3 tank (GD)