Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Immediate Response 24:Complex Drills Develop Warfighting Acumen

According to a press release by U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEA),on 30 April 2024,around 1600 U.S. Army Soldiers and more than 200 pieces of their equipment started a 900 km/559.2 mi tactical road march from Narvik,Norway to Rovajarvi,Finland,marking the commencement of Exercise Immediate Response 24.Transiting through Norway,Sweden and Finland,troops from 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team,10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Johnson,Louisiana traveled to Finland to conduct multinational drills as part of Immediate Response 24,the Finnish national exercise Northern Forest 24,and NATO's Steadfast Defender.Said MG Greg Anderson,commanding general of 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry):The 10th Mountain Division's storied past shows a proud connection with the Finnish Army and this region.We are eager and excited to be able to train and learn from our Nordic Allies,and look forward to developing joint and combined warfighting excellence and capabilities,both today and in the years to come.*Immediate Response ran through 31 May 2024,involving more than 10,400 U.S. service members from more than 12 Allied and Partner nations.Finland's Northern Forest 24 ran from 26 May to 31 May 2024.Said LTG Pasi Valinaki,commander Finnish Army:It's a valuable training opportunity to be able to connect Immediate Response 24 to the Finnish Army's Northern Forest 24 exercise.A successful logistical exercise through Norway and Sweden,as well as logisitical support by the Finnish Defence Force's Logistics Command,is proof of our collective ability to receive transatlantic reinforcement of Allied troops and the ability of NATO to project land power anytime,anywhere.Furthermore,training with 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team is a logical step in developing a relationship with 10th Mountain Division.This exercise further develops our combined warfighting capabilities in the North.*The tactical road march represents a milestone moment for the drills with NATO's newest members,Sweden and Finland,as well as several firsts,including the use of seaports in Narvik and Kalundborg;a rail guage change;and the deployment of a light Brigade Combat Team in the Nordic Region.*Immediate Response 24,one of three subexercises of DEFENDER 24,includes the deployment of continental U.S.-based forces;Army prepositioned stock draws;live-fire drills;wet gap crossings;and interoperability training with Allies and Partners in Czechia,Estonia,Finland,Germany,Norway,Poland and Sweden.

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