Saturday, June 29, 2024

NATO Secretary General with the President of Slovakia 🇸🇰 Peter Pellegrini,28 JUN 2024

Exact date:Outgoing Nethelands Prime Minister Mark Rutte will succeed Jens Stoltenberg as Secretary General on 1 October 2024,when Mr.Stoltenberg's 10-year term expires.*The new border security fortifications under discussion are up to each NATO Ally seperately,and not the Alliance itself.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

NATO:Norway Shelters F-35 As in Hanger Inside Mountain

Source:NATO article based on Royal Norwegian Air Force information - Bardufoss,Norway - 17 JUN 2024 - The Royal Norwegian Air Force continues to develop national operational concepts increasing combat aircraft survivability,as in mid-June Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters landed at Bardufoss Air Station taking back hangers and facilities deactivated for 40 years.The natural features of Bardufoss Air Station provide excellent protection for combat aircraft.The mountain hanger has recieved structural and equipment upgrades to increase its use for air operations.In the long term,this may lead to increased national and Allied fighter aircraft activity in the region of Northern Norway around the air station.Said BGEN Tom Strand of the Joint Air Operations Centre (JAOC):Bardufoss Air Station plays an important role in the further development of Norwegian,Nordic and Allied Air Power.NATO is very focused on the Nations' ability to disperse and quickly move air forces through development of Agile Combat Employment (ACE) concept.The deteriorating security policy and the war in Ukraine mean that the Air Force must become sharper.Powerful stealth fighters are not enough.In a war situation,the planes are vulnerable on the ground.On the one hand,we are significantly increasing air defence for Evenes and Orland Air Bases.On the other,the Air Force must be able to disperse its combat aircraft and operate out of several other airports and air stations,both in Norway and Nordic countries if a crisis or war so requires.*Said COL Erik Stueland,commander of 131 Air Wing:This means we must use available mountain facilities for protection within the framework of Norway's operational distribution concept;we are using the entire Air Station at Bardufoss.The whole idea of dispersion is to be able to use all available airports throughout the Nordic Region;at Bardufoss,due to its existing infrastructure,we will also be able to play a large role in the initial mobilisation phase.*ACE is NATO's concept to strengthen the resilience and survivability of Allied Air operations.It combines already existing air bases with temporary operational bases,and positions combat air power through the dispersal of resources.*Lockheed Martin (LMT)

NATO Secretary General with 🇫🇷 French President Emmanuel Macron, 24 JUN 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024


The aircraft are the nuclear-capable U.S. Air Force 48th Fighter Wing Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter and the Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle fighter.The base's nuclear storage mission ws terminated in 2008 in the belief that the Cold War was over.Yet the first Russian invasion of Ukraine with little green men in 2014 and the second full-on war against Ukraine launched in February 2022 has caused NATO to revive the nuclear storage mission.Documents show a large underground surety dormitory for storing the Boeing B61-12 nuclear bomb is under construction,along with ballistic-sheathed shelters for Air Force Security Forces.*Boeing (BA),Lockheed Martin (LMT)*The B61-12 has an adjustable range of missions,from tactical nuclear to thermonuclear kilotonnes.*The UK will neither confirm nor deny the project.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What Mark Rutte as a new NATO chief means for Ukraine | DW News - YouTube - New Secretary General Chosen

Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte is to be the next NATO Secretary General.Jens Stoltenberg will retire in September.Analysis:The problem with an Eastern Flank Secretary General is they could press for stationing NATO troops on Ukrainian soil,which is viewed as escalatory by many member states.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Military honours for Nepal's President in Berlin - YouTube - BTB-concept - 17 June 2024

Military honours were rendered for the inaugural visit of President Ram Chandra Paudel to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Bellvue Palace in Berlin,Germany.The honors battalion is led by the deputy commander of the guard battalion,LTC Sven Ueberschaer.The honours battalion consists of all three Bundeswehr branches:German Army,German Navy and Luftwaffe.The staff band plays under the direction of LTC Kiauka.

Monday, June 17, 2024

NATO Upgrades Deterrence and Defence,Develops Strategies to Deal With Contingencies - plus Finland's Key Role in NATO Land Forces

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg:Allies have agreed the most comprehensive defence plans since the Cold War to deter and defend against global threats,including Russia.Our military planners are translating these plans into concrete requirements,identifying the forces needed to defend us.Allies are offering forces to NATO's command at a scale not seen in decades.Today we have 500,000 troops at high readiness across all domains-significantly more than was set out at the 2022 Madrid Summit.NATO has also doubled the number of battle groups in the Eastern Flank.Allies are also taking on larger,more demanding exercises to test our capabilities.The many threats we face demand significant capability requirements from Allies in areas such as weapons and ammunition;air and missile defence;logisitics;and long-range weapons. Over the next five years,NATO Allies across Europe and Canada plan to acquire thousands of air defence and artillery systems;850 modern aircraft,including fifth generation F-35 Joint Strike Fighters;and also many other high-end capabilties.We have also invested in more innovation,including one millon in the NATO Innovation Fund...We also discussed the ongoing adaptation of our nuclear capabilities.We are a nuclear Alliance committed to being responsible and transparent,but clear in our resolve to preserve peace;prevent coercion;and deter aggression...Many Allies have already expelled a large number of Russian intelligence operatives.This is considered necessary to counter the hostile actions that Russia is accountable for.And there's a pattern here,an intensified campaign by Russia to conduct hostile actions:sabotage;arson;cyber attacks against NATO Allies.There have been several arrests across the Alliance:in the UK,Poland,Germany and in the Baltic countries-all people who have been accused of working with the Russian intelligence services to conduct sabotage against infrastructure and other facilities in our countries.Restriction of the movement of Russian intelligence officers has already been imposed,but we are welcoming further such actions by Allies.The South is of course important to NATO.NATO has the ability to pivot in any direction that is needed.And that is why I have asked for and established a group of experts that presented their report on how NATO can utilise the opportunities in our Southern neighbourhood;and also address some of the challenges we face there,at least in Africa.This report is part of something we are addressing at NATO,and I am sure it will lead to decisions,conclusions by Allies to further strengthen our approach to the challenges that we see in our Southern neighbourhood.NATO has a presence-we have a training mission in Iraq.We have Partnerships with Mauritania;with Iraq;with Tunisia and others;but of course we can do more.I think it's important to remember,when we are investing in new military capabilities,that it's also relevant to the South.*Moreover,according to the Reuters news agency,Finland will host a new land command unit of the NATO Alliance,Finnish Defence Minister Anti Hakkanen told reporters in Brussels on 13 June 2024.Said Hakkanen:I'm pleased to state today that all NATO member states have given their political consent to Finland's key goals in its NATO integration.Finland will host a NATO command and there will be land force presence in Finland.*According to Hakkanen,the NATO land command will be tasked with directing land warfare operations in Northern Europe and Scandanavia.He declined to specify the location of the command or how many NATO troops could be posted to Finland,as planning was still ongoing.*Under NATO's new command structure,all Nordic countries are under Joint Forces Command,Norfolk,Virginia,which are in charge of North Atlantic defence.*Said Hakkanen:With these decisions,the security of Finland and,at the same time,the security of Northern Europe is strengthened,and they significantly benefit the security of the entire Alliance.*

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Immediate Response 24:Complex Drills Develop Warfighting Acumen

According to a press release by U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAEA),on 30 April 2024,around 1600 U.S. Army Soldiers and more than 200 pieces of their equipment started a 900 km/559.2 mi tactical road march from Narvik,Norway to Rovajarvi,Finland,marking the commencement of Exercise Immediate Response 24.Transiting through Norway,Sweden and Finland,troops from 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team,10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Johnson,Louisiana traveled to Finland to conduct multinational drills as part of Immediate Response 24,the Finnish national exercise Northern Forest 24,and NATO's Steadfast Defender.Said MG Greg Anderson,commanding general of 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry):The 10th Mountain Division's storied past shows a proud connection with the Finnish Army and this region.We are eager and excited to be able to train and learn from our Nordic Allies,and look forward to developing joint and combined warfighting excellence and capabilities,both today and in the years to come.*Immediate Response ran through 31 May 2024,involving more than 10,400 U.S. service members from more than 12 Allied and Partner nations.Finland's Northern Forest 24 ran from 26 May to 31 May 2024.Said LTG Pasi Valinaki,commander Finnish Army:It's a valuable training opportunity to be able to connect Immediate Response 24 to the Finnish Army's Northern Forest 24 exercise.A successful logistical exercise through Norway and Sweden,as well as logisitical support by the Finnish Defence Force's Logistics Command,is proof of our collective ability to receive transatlantic reinforcement of Allied troops and the ability of NATO to project land power anytime,anywhere.Furthermore,training with 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team is a logical step in developing a relationship with 10th Mountain Division.This exercise further develops our combined warfighting capabilities in the North.*The tactical road march represents a milestone moment for the drills with NATO's newest members,Sweden and Finland,as well as several firsts,including the use of seaports in Narvik and Kalundborg;a rail guage change;and the deployment of a light Brigade Combat Team in the Nordic Region.*Immediate Response 24,one of three subexercises of DEFENDER 24,includes the deployment of continental U.S.-based forces;Army prepositioned stock draws;live-fire drills;wet gap crossings;and interoperability training with Allies and Partners in Czechia,Estonia,Finland,Germany,Norway,Poland and Sweden.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Pacific Perspective:PALS 24 Concludes Stronger Together > United States Marine Corps Flagship > News Display

PALS 24 Concludes Stronger Together > United States Marine Corps Flagship > News Display: Lt. Gen. William Jurney, commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, and Lt. Gen. Kim Kye-Hwan, Commandant of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps, conclude the 10th annual Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium during the closing ceremony in Seoul, South,

Thursday, June 6, 2024

NATO Secretary General with the President of Finland 🇫🇮 Alexander Stubb,06 JUN 2024 - YouTube

Two thousand US troops visited Finland last week and stayed longer than previously;but there are no plans for a US brigade in Finland.Finland has 50 officers in Norfolk,Virginia.Finland joining NATO means the Alliance's border with Russia has doubled.Finnish military instructors will not operate inside Ukraine.Finland has developed contingency plans to repulse Russian incursions,but there is currently no credible threat to NATO Allies.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Warfighting:Sweden's Integration into NATO Provides New Opportunities

According to Sweden's Minister of Defence Pal Johnson:Going into an Alliance is of course a big change.Policywise it's a big change;mentally it's a big change.And we have to remember we're not necessarily going to be defending Sweden from inside Sweden,but from a distance,and we're going to be doing it as a solidaric Ally.*For the first time,according to RDL Jens Nykvist,Deputy Chief of Defence Staff,NATO can craft a unified defence of the Nordic Region.Sweden brings more than 100 years of experience operating submarines in the Baltic Sea Region,doorway to Russia's largest port,St.Petersburg.*Defence Minister Jonson added:This is a direct consequence of Russia's illegal,unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine.This is the mother of all unintended consequences for Russian strategic thinking.*The Swedish Armed Forces have only 25,000 troops under arms.Yet Sweden can offer its territory to NATO for deterrence and defence,a base and staging area for NATO forces.For example,Sweden has entered into a Defence Cooperation Agreement (DCA) with the US,allowing the US the privilege to deploy troops to Swedish military bases.This can help shape the regional environment for preventing Russia's efforts for potential conflict,and for response to Russian incursions.According to RDL Nykvist:Some people tried to say Sweden and Finland now being part of NATO makes the Baltic a NATO lake.I would say it's not...because we have the Russian bases (in Kaliningrad).*Sweden's Chief of Staff GEN Micael Byden said:I'm sure that Putin even has both eyes on Gotland (Sweden's central island).Putin's goal is to take control of the Baltic Sea Region.If Russia controls and seals off the Baltic Sea,it would have an enormous impact on our lives-in Sweden and in all countries bordering the Baltic Sea.We can't allow it (Note:Gotland has been highly militarised by Sweden to act as a bulwark against Russian incursions).*RDL Nykvist expalined that increased commercial shipping and underwater infrastructure like cables and pipelines are making Baltic Sea operations more complicated (Note:The Royal Swedish Navy is developing a new class of submarines designed for detecting undersea sabotage.The two new A26 Blekinge-class boats will have a large airlock from which to deploy divers and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles).There's a lot of density of traffic.It's 4,000 ships moving around every given minute in this region.It's coming from St.Petersburg area and going out and back.That's one of the main routes for Russia regarding oil and energy products.I would claim unique assets and capabilities when it comes to operating in the Baltic Sea.We've been working for decades with our submarines;on the surface with our surface combatants.*