Tuesday, April 7, 2020

NATO Maritime Forces Respond to Russian Activity

In the second half of March, Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 monitored Russian naval activity in the English Channel
along with Allies France and Great Britain.This operation supported maritime situational awareness beginning on the week of 16 March 2020.Besides the SNMG1 flagship,HNoMS Otto Sverdrup, other Group members participating with the Allies were HMDS Absalon;HMS Sutherland; and FGS Rhoen.*
According to CDRE Yugve Skoglund, Commander, SNMG1:
Free access and entry to the Channel is critical to NATO.There has been a substantial non-allied military activity in the area lately.Our job as a NATO Force, together with our Allies,is to deliver NATO'S 'deter and defend'  message and provide maritime security.Our presence in the English Channel in the past few weeks is exactly what the standing maritime forces are made for... We are here to sustain NATO'S essential work even when all nations are facing tough times.*
Also in late March, three of the four US Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers forward-deployed to Rota,Spain conducted a drill in the Eastern Atlantic with two USN P8-A Poseidon Maritime Surveillance Aircraft from Commander,Task Force 67,Sigonella, Italy. Said CAPT William "BP" Pennington, commodore of CTF 67:
By keeping our top assets, our Sailors, healthy, our flight operations continue to support the Fleet, demonstrating the tight-knit integration between our surface and air assets, and without a doubt, our unparalleled ability to flawlessly execute coordinated high-end naval warfare.*

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