Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Afghan War:US Service Member Killed in Action along with several Afghan troops;another US service member was wounded and eight NATO troops were wounded in a day of widespread hostilities

A spree of militant attacks killed and wounded several NATO and Afghan troops,as well as nearly a dozen Afghan journalists on 30 April 2018.The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant,which has an affiliate known as the Khorasan Group in the unstable nation,claimed responsibility for the carnage in the Afghan capital Kabul,which killed at least 25 people,including nine Afghan journalists.
Meanwhile,US Forces Afghanistan said an American service member died in an attack during a combat operation in Eastern Afghanistan,which has been a hotbed of Khorasan Group activity the past three years.Another US service member was wounded in the incident and was evacuated to Bagram Airbase in stable condition.In the same attack,several Afghan troops were also killed and wounded.
In Khost Province of Eastern Afghanistan,BBC reporter Ahmad Shah,29,was shot dead,bringing the total journalist deaths for the day to ten.*
In Kandahar city of Southeast Afghanistan,eight Romanian NATO troops were reportedly wounded when a VBIED exploded,which also killed 11 children who were in a nearby religious school.*
Details are sketchy at this time until families have been notified and investigations carried out.*
*The US currently has about 14,000 troops in Afghanistan-up to 8,000 are Special Operations Forces often embedding with Afghan commandos and sent on counterror raids against the ISIL Islamist extremists in the Khorasan Group.Since the number of US troops was increased following the commencement of President Donald Trump's South Asia strategy,more US soldiers were expected to be sent to the front lines with the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces.*
At the recent Foreign Ministerial meeting in Brussels,NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said many NATO members were upping their troop numbers to better assist Afghanistan.

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