Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Special Edition:Cyber Security

Brian Burns,Deputy Chief Information Officer at the Navy Department,addressed the Government 2.0 Best Practices Symposium sponsored by The Potomac Forum.Mr.Burns pointed out the need for social media privacy controls education.Personnel need to be educated about the real threats of sharing personal information online;how to manage the footprint of federal employees;how to apportion information between colleagues and friends;white-listing codes;setting up defaults that need to be more restricted.Draw the line between external and internal,and clear things appropriately with the public affairs office.Use trust zones and virtualization technologies,such as health trust zones and criminal investigations.Tie the objects with the humans who want to use that data.Ascertain what is the content of the data,the context,the security level.Use new technologies to verify the source and users.Consider the endpoint protection of the host and multi-factor ID.

Start with the information.We need to transfer the data.ID the user.Consider the protection of the data and the behavior of the users,looking at them in the context of the tools.The security lags behind the new tool sets.What are the business rules of the community,and how do we put that information out?What are those partitions or layers that are gonna come out as we use those tools?Mr.Burns asked.These aspects of government leadership and technology were as complex as the assembly found them compelling.

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