Monday, November 25, 2024

NATO Maritime Forces:U.S. Navy Developing a Sea-Launched Tactical Nuclear Weapon

According to National Defense,a defence industry mouthpiece,Congress signed a letter in March 2024 that chose the Navy's Strategic Systems Program Office as the organisation that will design,develop,build and deploy a sea-launched nuclear cruise missile (SLCM-N).The project was first recommended by the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review.The Undersecretary of Defense,William LaPlante,directed the Navy to establish the SLCM-N programme office and to begin the analysis phase.In April 2024,LaPlante said the Nuclear Weapons Council will lead a review of options to execute the SLCM-N programme:in a manner that balances cost,deterrence value and risk to the nuclear modernisation programme of record and the Joint Force.*VADM Johnny Wolfe,director of Strategic Systems Programs,told reporters at the Naval Submarine League's Annual Symposium and Industry Update that the programme office has been stood up and the next step is:understanding what is the trade space and what does the schedule look like to get the acquisition decisions,to the milestones and all that.*Trade studies for the programme have already started and:we're going to continue the dialogue with Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD),we're going to continue the dialogue with the Hill,as we start to understand what would a program look like?How are we going to move forward?And quite's a very aggressive timeline.Congressional language mandates an initial operational capability (IOC) by 2034.*The Navy had deployed sea-launched tactical nuclear weapons in the Cold War era,32 years ago,using the Tomahawk cruise missile for land attack scenarios (TLAM).The new weapon is to be deployed on Virginia-class attack submarines.VADM Wolfe said the programme has about 30 people and is trying to ramp up.In fiscal 2024,the National Defense Authorization Act directed the executive branch to ensure Intial Operational Capability (IOC) for SLCM-N.The SLCM-N is to enhance deterrence and assure Allies.The Navy has submitted a Request For Information (RFI) to prospective contractors.The purpose of an RFI is to get written information about the capabilities of different suppliers and prepare suppliers for an upcoming competition by establishing a strategy and building a database.*The initiative is to provide a non-strategic regional presence and offer a flexible and low-yield option to the president.Only the president can direct the use of nuclear weapons by the U.S. Armed Forces,through plans like OPLAN 8010-12.The president has unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time.*It is U.S. Navy policy not to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons on its vessels.

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