Tuesday, June 23, 2015

BALTOPS 2015:NATO Allies,Partners Stage Amphibious Assault

On Wednesday 17 June,allied troops from NATO and partner nations staged a massive amphibious assault as part of Exercise BALTOPS 2015.The successful Baltic Sea drill was based on the scenario of trying to defeat enemy forces occupying the coast of Northern Poland,NATO said.It took place on a beach near Utska,Poland.In the exercise,several waves of amphibious assault craft and 2 US Navy hovercraft brought about 700 British,US,Finnish and Swedish Marines ashore,aided by close air support from US and Swedish fighter aircraft and attack helicopters.*
We saw an amazing exercise out on the water today,said Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Philip Breedlove,US Air Force.It was a great example of interoperability and the capability that NATO forces have together,and demonstrates that the Alliance is ready for the new security situation.*
The amphibious landing was commanded by Royal Navy Fleet Flagship HMS Ocean (L12),a landing platform helicopter ship,and the US Navy's USS San Antonio (LPD 17),an amphibious transport dock ship.Embarked on HMS Ocean were a series of Royal Navy,Army and Royal Air Force helicopters.*
In all,17 countries,includng 14 NATO allies and 3 NATO partners,participated in BALTOPS 2015 with 49 ships and 5600 troops.The annual exercise ended on Friday 19 June.

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