Saturday, August 31, 2024

Inside Ukraine's largest captured Russian town as key signs show invasion caught Putin unprepared - YouTube - The Sun

with Jerome Starkey,The Sun Defence Editor*Ukraine's invasion of Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts has left Putin embarrassed and humiliated.Ukrainian forces are digging in to defend their positions.Suzhda was left largely undamaged by the Ukrainian forces.Misinformed by Kremlin propaganda,the residents feel powerless to control what is happening in the Kremlin.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Military honours for British Prime Minister Keir Starmer - YouTube - BTB-concept - 28 AUG 2O24 - Federal Chancellery,Berlin

Military honours were rendered for the inugural visit of the Prime Minister Keir Starmer of the United Kingdom,a key Ally,to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.The Company of Honour is provided by the 7th Company (Army) of the Guard Battalion,led by MAJ Kolasa.The Bundeswehr Music Corps plays under the direction of LTCOL Christian Weiper.Chancellor Scholz gave birthday greetings to a member of the Guard Battalion.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Pacific Perspective:AUSMIN 24 Focused on Containing China,Part 2

In the AUSMIN 24 statement,the Parties briefly mentioned some upgrades to facilities in Australia's Northern Territory that the U.S. and Australia were making.An article in The Washington Post went into this in more detail.The article pointed out that Australia was offering the U.S. a vast launching pad in the event of conflict with China.Across Australia,it says,many old bases were being cleaned up or upgraded,some of them dating back to the World War II era,to prepare for another global conflict.Said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles:This is about deterrence.We're working together to deter future conflict and to provide for the collective security of the region in which we live.*Australia joined AUKUS,the Australia/UK/U.S. defence Alliance,under which Australia,the U.S. and UK will provide Australia with nuclear-powered attack submarines with sensitive technology.Of the cleaning and upgrades,Representative Michael McCaul,R-Texas,chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Commitee:This provides a central base of operations from which to project power.*A comprehensive upgrade of RAAF Tindal in the Northern Territory is underway with Australia spending nearly a billion dollars so far on the project.Part of the project is a new parking apron for four of Australia's largest military aircraft,the KC-30 refueling tanker that will facilitate refueling fighter aircraft such as the RAAF Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter for distant missions.The RAAF Lightning IIs are based at RAAF Tindal in the Northern Territory and RAAF Williamstown in New South Wales.The U.S. also intends to build a parking apron at the base for six Boeing B-52 H/J Stratofortress strategic bombers that can reach mainland China.These would be deployed to Australia much more frequently,according to U.S. Secretary of Defense GEN Lloyd F. Austin III U.S. Army ret.Noted Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles:increasing U.S. force posture in Australia.We see that as very much in Australia's national interest.People understand that we are living through challenging times,when the global rules-based order is under pressure.*At RAAF Darwin in Australia's Northern Territory,the U.S. Marines have built a new fuel depot for their Bell Boeing MV-22 Ospreys,an aircraft that can vertically take off and land like a helicopter,but fly straight ahead like an airplane.Refueling the Ospreys could extend their range into the South China Sea;the Philippine Sea and to the Solomon Islands.Said Rep. McCaul:As Chairman Xi (Xinping) is looking out at all of this,he's feeling more deterrence.Our capabilities to respond are getting stronger.*According to BGEN Michael Say,head of Australia's Force Posture Initiative,even more upgrades are being contemplated for three skeleton facilities in remote Western Australia state and Quennsland state to accomodate heavier U.S. and Australian aircraft.In the Cocos Islands,Canberra will soon be upgrading the airstrip to accomodate heavier aircraft such as the Boeing P-8A Maritime Surveillance Aircraft,which also has anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities.*Lockheed Martin (LMT),Boeing (BA), Bell Helicopter (TXT)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What the incursion into Russia means for the war in Ukraine - YouTube - Guardian News

Ukraine has seized Russian territory in both Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts in Blitzkrieg fashion.The Russian military has thus far failed to adequately respond.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Military honours for Malawi’s President in Berlin - YouTube - BTB-concept - Bellevue Palace - 23 AUG 2024

Military honours were rendered for the inaugural visit of President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera of Malawi by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.The honours battalion was led by the deputy chief of the guard battalion,LTCOL Sven Ueberschaer.The honours battalion consisted of all three branches of the Bundeswehr:German Army,German Navy and Luftwaffe.The Bundeswehr Music Corps Siegburg played under the direcrtion of LTCOL Christian Welper.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Gen. Ben Hodges on Ukraine's Kursk incursion in Russia - YouTube - Kyiv Independent

with Natalia Yermak,reporter of the Kyiv Independent,and LTGEN Ben Hodges,U.S. Army ret.,former commander U.S. Army Europe*There are currently two Ukrainian counteroffensives underway,as LTGEN Hodges describes it,in Kursk and Belgorod Oblasts.He questions the sustainability of the West's support for Ukraine and does not believe it is adequate for a Ukrainian victory at this time.He believes that Ukraine must do more to recruit and train Ukrainian men and women into their military.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

U.S. Coast Guard. USCGC Stratton (WMSL-752) Legend-class National Security Cutter

The MH-65 Helicopter is by Airbus Defence and Space:Airbus SE (OTCM:EADSY).Some of them are armoured and carry guns.The National Security Cutter is built by Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII).It features shielding from chemical,biological and radiological attack and is optimised for NATO communicationa.These drills were held in an undisclosed location.Note:I'm back,people!My absence was due to my old HP laptop burning out.It was 8-10 years old.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Pacific Perspective:Exercise RIMPAC | P-8A Poseidon Harpoon Load - YouTube - Royal Australian Air Force

Both the P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft and the AGM-84J Harpoon anti-ship missile are manufactured by Boeing Defense,Space and Security (BA)*Here Royal Australian Air Force personnel attach Harpoon missiles to their Poseidon aircraft at Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay,Hawaii in the course of Exercise RIMPAC 2024.

Pacific Perspective:AUSMIN Focused on Containing China,Part 1

Joint Statement on Australia-U.S. Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN) 2024:Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III hosted Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong and Deputy Prime Minister for Defence Richard Marles on 06 AUG 2024 in Annapolis,Maryland to strengthen further the U.S.-Australian Alliance and the two countries' cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and globally.The Secretaries and Ministers (principals) reaffirmed the U.S.-Australia Alliance is essential to promoting a prosperous and peaceful region.The principals expressed the importance of history and values shared by the United States and Australia and renewed their commitment to support a stable and open international system that protects each nation's ability to make sovereign decisions free from coercion or threats of force.* The principals welcomed action by both governments that build upon the commitments made during the visit of Prime Minister Albanese in the United States and his meeting with President Biden in October 2023 across the full spectrum of the bilateral relationship,to build an "Innovation Alliance."These include 1.Australia's endorsement of the United States' Framework to Counter Foreign State Misinformation Manipulation through a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)...2.Continued progress by the Australia-U.S. Crtical Minerals Task Force (CMTF) to persue secure and diverse critical mineral supply chains,increase investment in mining and processing projects in our respective countries and enhance market transparency.*Delivering for the Indo-Pacific:The principals committed to strengthen cooperation further,bilaterally and with regional Partners and institutions;to ensure an Indo-Pacific that is open,stable,peaceful and prosperous;that promotes and protects human rights and that is respectful of sovereignty and international law...The principals stressed the need for all countries to manage strategic competition responsibly and to work to reduce risks of conflict.They emphasised the importance of maintaining open channels with China to avoid miscommunication or miscalculation that could lead to unintended escalation or conflict.The principals ecouraged China to engage constructively and take steps to promote stability and transparency...The principles underscored the importance of all states being free to exercise rights and freedom consistent with international law as consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),including freedom of navigation and overflight and other lawful uses of the sea.They reiterated their strong oppositon to destabilising or coercive unilateral actions in the maritime domain,including in the South China Sea and the East China Sea,that increase tensions and undermine peace and stability.*The principals expressed concern about China's excessive maritime claims in the South China Sea that are inconsistent with international law and unilateral actions to change the status quo by force or coercion.They noted grave concern about China's dangerous and escalating behaviour toward Philippines vessels lawfully operating in the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).The principals reaffirmed the 2016 South China Sea Arbitral Award as final and binding on all parties and reconfirmed their resolve to work with Partners to support regional maritime security and uphold international law.*

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Russia evacuates 75,000 people on border as Ukraine continues to advance in Kursk region - YouTube - Sky News

with Defence and Security Editor Deborah Haynes and Mikhailo Samas,Director of New Geopolitics Research Network.There are unconfirmed reports that Ukrainian forces have also invaded Belgorod Oblast.Analysis:The longer this continues,the less tenable Putin's grip on power becomes.*22 Mechanised Brigade

Russia in 'counter-terror' mode over Ukraine attack | BBC News - YouTube

According to Forbes magazine,Kremlin propaganda is grossly understating the number of Ukrainian troops involved in the invasion.Indeed,it may be up to 10,000 troops.*with James Waterhouse,BBC Kyiv correspondent

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fighting with Ukraine in Kursk region enters third day, Russia says | BBC News - YouTube

with Vitaly Shevchenko,Russia Editor,BBC Monitoring*The seizure is a major embarrasment for Russia,showing the weakness of Russia's border protection.One Ukrainian MP said on CBC News:The National that the seizure covers 30,000,583 sq.mi.What's good for the goose is what's good for the gander.

Russia alleges 'large scale' Ukrainian incursion in Kursk region | DW News - YouTube

with Frank Ledwidge,military expert and Senior Lecturer at Portsmouth University

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024

A NATO First:Bomber Task Force Mission in Romania

Air Force Global Strike Command News Release:U.S. Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa 23 JUL 2024,Two U.S. Air Force Boeing B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers arrived at Mihail Kogaliceanu Air Base,Romania out of Barksdale Air Force Base,Louisiana for Bomber Task Force 24-4 on 21 JUL 2024.*While flying in international airspace and in accordance with international law,the U.S. B-52 aircraft were intercepted by two Russian aircraft over the Barents Sea,Arctic Region,at approximately 8 a.m. Central European Time.They did not change course due to the intercept and continued along their scheduled flight plan without incident,the Air Force said.The B-52s performed their pre-planned mission of integrating with NATO fighter aircraft before landing in Romania.While deployed,the B-52s will operate as the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron across the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR).Said GEN James B. Hecker,USAFE-AFAFRICA commander:In today's global environment,it is vital that we be postured to deliver a range of sustainable capability from great distances.This iteration of Bomber Task Force offers an excellent opportunity to refine our Agile Combat Employment (ACE) tactics,techniques and procedures (TTPs).Through collaborative efforts with our Allies,the U.S. enables our forces to combat current and future threats.*Bomber Task Force missions are not announced in advance to give potential adversaries pause.They emphasise Air Force Global Strike Command's ability to deploy forces anytime,anywhere throughout the globe.Through these missions,USAFE-AFAFRICA enables Dynamic Force Employment (DFE) to the European theatre,providing strategic predictability and assurance for Allies and Partners,while contributing to deterrence and defence by introducing greater operational unpredictability for potential adversaries.*Continued GEN Hecker:The U.S. is dedicated to work alongside our Allies and Partners along the Eastern Flank to ensure we have the combined skills and coordination capabilities to maintain regional safety,security and stability.*Regular routine deployments of U.S. strategic bombers demonstrate how the U.S. and NATO are ready,postured and well-prepared to deter threats,and,if necessary,defend the Alliance.*Boeing (BA)

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Will F-16 fighter jets tip the balance in Ukraine's favour in its war against Russia?DW News - YouTube

with Frank Leftwidge,Military Analyst with Oxford University*Lockheed Martin F-16D Fighting Falcon (LMT)*The aircraft may be stored in an air base in Western Ukraine that has underground bunkers.